Elato's cold brew decaf coffee ice cream wins Gold at the Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy competition

We are thrilled to congratulate Elato for their outstanding achievement at the Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy Competition and at the Queensland Dairy Product Competition. Elato has won two Gold Medals for their exquisite Cold Brew Decaf Coffee flavour ice cream. This remarkable success is a testament to Elato's dedication to quality, innovation, and partnership with The Coffee Brewmasters' TCB Process. With dark roasted Colombian beans, the ice cream delivers an authentic coffee taste, making it a delightful treat for coffee lovers any time of the day or night.

Elato's Cold Brew Decaf Coffee flavour ice cream has captivated the taste buds of both judges and ice cream enthusiasts alike. This extraordinary achievement showcases the mastery of Elato's craft, as they successfully combine the artistry of ice cream making with the rich flavours of cold brew coffee from The Coffee Brewmasters. The result is an indulgent and creamy delight that brings together the best of coffee and ice cream in one delectable scoop.

Elato utilizes our coffee extract, derived from dark roasted Colombian beans, to infuse the ice cream with an authentic and robust coffee flavour. The TCB Process® ensures that the essence of these high-quality beans is captured, delivering a taste experience that is unmatched.

Elato's Cold Brew Decaf Coffee flavour ice cream is a dream come true for coffee enthusiasts who crave the rich taste of coffee without the jolt of caffeine. The cold brew infusion method employed by The Coffee Brewmasters allows for the extraction of coffee flavours without the bitterness associated with traditional brewing methods. The end result is a smooth, full-bodied coffee flavour that is both satisfying and gentle on the palate.

In addition to its incredible flavour profile, Elato's Cold Brew Decaf Coffee ice cream boasts a luxurious and creamy texture reminiscent of a perfectly crafted cafe latte. This velvety smoothness elevates the ice cream experience to new heights, offering a truly indulgent treat that is sure to please even the most discerning ice cream aficionados.

Elato's double Gold Medal triumph at the Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy Competition is a well-deserved recognition of its commitment to excellence in ice cream craftsmanship. The collaboration with The Coffee Brewmasters has played a pivotal role in creating a Cold Brew Decaf Coffee flavour ice cream that is unparalleled in taste and quality.

As coffee and ice cream enthusiasts, we celebrate Elato's success and eagerly anticipate its future innovations that will continue to delight our palates. Congratulations once again to Elato on this remarkable achievement!

Do you want a successful story like Elato’s? Work with us: info@thecoffeebrewmasters.com